These are some of the writers and texts I refer to a lot. You should check them out, too.
Online Texts
Whiskyfun –
Serge Valentin writes with singular brio and panache, reviewing whiskies of all descriptions in a humorous, polemical and expansive style. Like 1970s Glen Grant, Serge’s lyricism only seems to get better with age.
Whisky Sponge –
Serge’s regular Scotland correspondent, Angus MacRaild’s satirical slant on the whisky industry was much-needed when it burst with coruscating heat onto our browsers nearly a decade ago. Since establishing Decadent Drinks in 2020 to separate well-off and locked-down whisky fetishists from their money, posts have been less frequent. Whisky Sponge is still an extraordinary creative achievement, and a major inspiration for this blog.
My Annoying Opinions –
Another blogger who occasionally mixes spirits and literature – but who is much more qualified to do so than I am – MAO brings invaluable level-headedness to reviewing all manner of things.
Diving For Pearls –
Michael’s marathon ‘clusters’ tastings go deep into distilleries, and showcase pleasingly unexpected language. His is another online voice who isn’t told what to think. I also appreciate the occasional reference to the state of his liver.
The Dramble –
A more recent discovery of mine, I enjoy The Dramble not only because I broadly agree with the points of view expressed, but I appreciate the effort and thought that clearly go in to crafting each post.
Spirited Matters –
If you want thoughtful appraisals of whisky, underpinned by great learning borne lightly, Billy Abbott’s blog is for you. Billy is also very fond of beer.
Printed Works
All of these books go beyond simply production and appreciation, embracing wider themes of creativity, culture and community.
The Way of Whisky, Dave Broom
Peat Smoke and Spirit: A Portrait of Islay and Its Whiskies, Andrew Jefford
The Whisky River, Robin Laing
The Philosophy of Whisky, Billy Abbott
Cork Dork, Bianca Bosker
Wine From Another Galaxy, Dan Keeling & Mark Andrew